BEEYONDERS’ journey towards a safer, sustainable, and competitive European construction sector

Published On 02 February 2023

The EU-funded project BEEYONDERS releases a new video presenting its mission and key technologies to be developed to transform the European construction industry

“The construction sector is a key pillar of the EU economy, accounting for 18 million jobs and contributing to almost 9% of the GDP. However, it remains one of the least automated and digitised industries”. This is the opening of the video released by BEEYONDERS introducing how the project aims to develop, test, and introduce six new technologies to boost the EU construction industry of the future. These solutions will be tested in six pilot scenarios in multiple infrastructure typologies across different countries. The goal is to improve the overall sustainability, safety, and well-being of the involved workforce.

Watch the video to discover the impacts of BEEYONDERS’ new technologies

The project started in June 2022 under the coordination of Acciona and the participation of 21 partners, two affiliated companies and one associated country. For the upcoming 42 months they will work together to produce, commercialise and integrate pioneering worker-friendly technologies for Europe’s construction sector.
