Stay updated on worker-friendly technologies for EU construction!
May 2024 View online

Newsletter #3

Pioneering worker-friendly technologies for Europe’s construction sector

Dear reader,

Welcome to the third edition of the BEEYONDERS newsletter, where we bring you the latest updates on the project's progress.

In this edition, we focus not only on recent achievements but also on the exciting steps ahead. In June, we are launching the activities within the six identified pilots, where the technologies developed so far in BEEYONDERS will be tested and validated. The demonstration activities will include:

  • Showcasing the use of wearables, drones and exoskeletons on a construction site in Helsinki, Finland.
  • Testing innovative structural designs for maritime caisson shapes in Spain, alongside developing caisson surfaces that promote the settlement of marine biodiversity.
  • In the Netherlands, the newly developed Digital Twin of an environmentally friendly push-in pile system, designed for low noise and vibration, will undergo testing. This innovation results from a close collaboration between Japanese equipment manufacturer Giken Ltd and BEEYONDERS.
  • On the A24 highway in Florence, Italy, ground and aerial autonomous navigation vehicles, as well as Digital Twin technology, will be demonstrated.
  • In Rome, Italy, a road maintenance test will utilize drones and ground autonomous vehicles to automate inspection, maintenance, and surveillance tasks.
  • Finally, in the tunnel works in León, Spain, autonomous and teleoperated ground and aerial robotic solutions will be applied to construction machinery.

This is a crucial phase for the project, as highlighted by the project coordinator, Antonio Alonso Cepeda:

"The time has come to showcase the work accomplished over the past months. Implementing new solutions in real-world environments is always complex and challenging due to technical difficulties and collaboration with human workers. However, we are confident that we will achieve positive results".

Stay tuned and follow our work on the project’s social media channels. In the meantime, we invite you to read this edition of the newsletter, hoping you will find it interesting.

With kind regards,

Sofia Finzi and Davide Valenti

BEEYONDERS communication managers,

Fondazione ICONS 

Meet Our Tech

As we prepare to conduct the initial tests on our pioneering technologies in real-world environments, we thought it would be the perfect time to delve deeper into the many innovations of BEEYONDERS.

In the latest installments of the 'Meet Our Tech' series, you will see how innovations such as additive manufacturing, alongside autonomous and teleoperated vehicles, are making a significant impact.

Check out the two project updates below!

Autonomous and teleoperated vehicles
Autonomous and teleoperated vehicles
Discover the technologies designed to enhance workers' safety and streamline inspection, maintenance, and surveillance tasks.
Find out more
additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing aims to facilitate the seamless integration of infrastructure with the marine ecosystem, minimizing waste.
Find out more

Ever wondered what contributes to the success of BEEYONDERS? Interested in the activities driving this project forward?

Don't miss our WE ARE BEEYONDERS video series to discover more. Join us as we showcase the diverse activities of our partners shaping the present and future of the EU construction sector.

Check out the interviews with Antonio Alonso Cepeda (ACCIONA), Jose Carlos Jimenez (TECNALIA), Maria Teresa Lazaro (ITA), Edgar Valverde Estrella (PNO) and María Jiménez Cuesta (PNO).

Antonio Alonso CepedaJose Carlos Jimenez
Maria Teresa LazaroEdgar Valverde Estrella & María Jiménez Cuesta
Upcoming event
Joint Workshop SP 2024
TECH4EUCONSTRUCTION Cluster takes the floor
BEEYONDERS together with InCUBE, Humantech, Reincarnate, RoBétArmé and HERON will participate in a joint workshop at Sustainable Places 2024.

Secure your spot for the event today!

A new social media campaign on the horizon
Scientific publication - social media campaign
Joining forces to promote science
BEEYONDERS, alongside projects from the TECH4EUCONSTRUCTION Cluster, will soon start sharing scientific publications on its social media channels, showcasing the cluster's advancements in construction and engineering.

Follow our social pages to stay updated!

Our project in the spotlight

BEEYONDERS is thriving! A recent article on the BUILD UP portal, the European hub for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings, features insights from EBC, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, and Sci-track.

They present how BEEYONDERS and HumanTech are seamlessly integrating human-robot collaboration technologies to help workers and companies tackle the skills shortage in the European construction sector.

BEEYONDERS gathers in Genoa
GA 2024

The recent General Assembly in Genoa (Italy) held between May 20 and 22, provided an excellent opportunity to share updates on the project's progress and prepare the launch of activities in our pilot sites.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101058548.